You have a dog/cat that you can no longer keep
We understand that things happen and we would like to help when we can.
We can not take strays, we can only take owner surrenders with proof of ownership and only when we have space in one of our foster homes. Read more about what to do if you found a stray and how to get placed on our owner-surrender wait list.

I found a dog!
In Georgia pets are considered property and it's illegal to keep or find a new home for them without contacting your shelter, and taking the proper steps to find the original owner. Most lost dogs don’t need a new home, they need help getting back home!
* Contact your local Animal Shelter and Report lost. Find out what their procedure is for found dogs. Often times stray hold can be completed at home.
* Have them scanned for a microchip at a local vet or emergency clinic
* post on social media, post signs, walk the dog around the area that (s)he was found.
Other helpful tips can be found at WWW.LostDogsgeorgia.org
It's my personal pet and
I can't keep him/her
We're sorry you're facing this decision. Animal Shelters & Rescue Groups are in CRISIS right now and most are over capacity. It's actually easier to help you find ways to keep your dog than it is to find him/her a new home, so let us know if there are resources that we can give to keep your baby in his/her home.
* spay and neuter assistance
* food pantry
To request to owner surrender a pet, you must email us at
Please give us as much information as possible.
We cannot accept an owner surrender without proper proof of ownership; Medical records, adoption records, proof of sale etc.
We will place you on a wait list. Keep in mind we are a small rescue only licensed for 40 pets. It could take some time before we can accommodate your pet.
Private adoptions/ Re-homing on your own!
Please have your pet spayed/neutered prior to re-homing!!!
If your baby comes to rescue, they will be in a foster home with a family: which could include other dogs, cats, and/or children/grandchildren. We do NOT have any foster homes where your pet can be an only pet. If this is your case, Private adoption would be your best solution.